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Coupons API

API Description

Coupon API allows merchants to create coupons for discounts / promotions / special offers.

This API is activated by request. To activate it please email us at


Creating a Coupon

Request Method


Protocols supported


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Possible values Description
key yes hexadecimal, 32 characters long Project key, located in your Merchant Account - Project Settings
history[registration_date] yes numeric, Unix timestamp Time when request was initiated, represented as Unix timestamp. If more than 60 minutes pass after a request, user sees an error message. Recommended for preventing widget from being shared.
sign yes hexadecimal, 32 characters long, lowercase Request signature. All parameters need to be signed. Please refer to the Signature Calculation section below.
percent_off yes* 1-99 Discount percentage.
amount_off yes* numeric Discount amount.
currency_code yes* ISO 4217 Discount currency.
name no alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long Coupon name, default value is 'null'.
number_of_coupons no numeric Number of coupons to be created with the same properties (if 'code' parameter is provided, the next coupon will be generated as follows: 'code'+'random string'. If there is no 'code' parameter in the request, a 'random string' will be generated as the coupon code). Default value: 1.
code no alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long If 'number_of_coupons' equals 1, this parameter is the coupon code. If 'number_of_coupons' is more than 1, coupon codes will be generated using the following algorithm: 'code' + 7 random digits.
activate no alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long Activating coupon after creating.
available_applications no any If this parameter is not included, the coupon will only be created for the specified project key. If 'available_projects' parameter is included, the coupon will be created for all projects under your Merchant Account.
max_redemptions no numeric How many times the coupon can be redeemed.
expiration_date no numeric, Unix timestamp Coupon expiration date.

*Either 'percent_off' or 'amount_off' should be included in the request ('currency_code' parameter is required if you are using 'amount_off').

Retrieving information about a coupon

Request Method


Protocols supported



Parameter Required Possible values Description
key yes hexadecimal, 32 characters long Project key, located in your Merchant Account - Project Settings
code yes alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long Coupon code(s).
history[registration_date] yes numeric, Unix timestamp Time when request was initiated, represented as Unix timestamp. If more than 60 minutes pass after a request, user sees an error message. Recommended for preventing widget from being shared.
sign yes hexadecimal, 32 characters long, lowercase Request signature. All parameters need to be signed. Please refer to the Signature Calculation section below.

Sample Response

Response format is similar both when you create a new coupon and when you retreive information about an existing one.


    "name" :["test_coupon1", "test_coupon2"]

    "times_redeemed" : "2",

    "max_redemptions" : "3",

    "expiration_date" : "1395075196",

    "status" : "active",

    "code" : ["test_12", "test23"]

    "currency" : "EUR",

    "amount_off" : "1",


Signature Calculation


SHA256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) lowercase hash in form of 62 digit hexadecimal number.

Hint for flash developers: if you have a flash project, don't store SECRET_KEY in it, since flash can be decompiled and your SECRET_KEY might become available to fraudsters. Instead, we kindly reccommend you to calculate signature in server script and pass it to flash via parameter.

[SECRET_KEY] - The secret key of your project.

Please note that additional parameters (e.g. [PARAM_NAME_1]=[PARAM_VALUE_1][PARAM_NAME_2]=[PARAM_VALUE_2]) are supposed to be sorted alphabetically by parameter name.

Example (calculating signature using PHP):

function calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret) {
// work with sorted data
// generate the base string
$baseString = '';
foreach($params as $key => $value) {
$baseString .= $key . '=' . $value;
$baseString .= $secret;
return hash('sha256',$baseString);
$params = array(
'key' => 'test_f9088da998ff21613dc7db38b67',
'uid' => '123456',
'widget' => 'p1',
'sign_version' => 3
$secret = 'b3842906095a44c6b538e8571dacc990';
$signature = calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret);
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